( English below↓↓↓ )








My husband’s friend who works with Japanese colleagues in Singapore said to my husband like this before. “Japanese people don’t carry their own bottle of drinks.”.

I think it’s correct. In Japan, there are many kinds of bottles which is high quality and popular among foreigner tourists, and also there are many cute design bottles as well. But why there aren’t many people carry their own bottles?

When I went to Malaysia and other foreign countries, I often saw a lot of people who carry their own bottle of water. For them, carrying own bottle is a very natural thing in their daily life, but when I saw it, I thought their mind for “saving money” and “to be good for environment” is high.

In Japan, there are many kinds of vending machines and so many convenience stores. They are open 24 hours everyday, so we can buy a lot of kinds of cold drinks (hot drinks in autumn and winter as well) anytime and anywhere. In addition, many delicious new drinks are sold one after another. New products are very attractive especially for young people and they are can be a hot topic among friends. So people often buy drinks. After buying cans or plastic bottles of drinks, I think it’s ok to recycle them. However, some people throw away just as litters. That’s not good for environment and it’s a big problem.

Japanese people tend not to drink just water, and some Japanese people couldn’t drink just water which has no taste. Tap water in Japan is safe to drink, so drinking it is a good way to save money, but if people carry their own bottles, it might be beverage like tea or coffee instead. Some people like to carry water but they normally buy a bottle of mineral water to carry. It is a bit troublesome to make favorite beverage and put in bottles to carry every morning, so even though people want to save money, they often go to convenience store to buy something to drink. In addition, in Japan, people often walk or use bus and train so carrying bottle is quite heavy. Therefore, many people buy drinks just after arrive destination.

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日本にはどこにでも自動販売機があります。便利ですが、スーパーマーケットで買った方がかなり安く買えます。In Japan, there are vending machines everywhere. It is very convenient, but buying same drinks in supermarket is much cheaper.