( English below↓↓↓ )









What is the standard proposal of Japanese men? It is usually done in a romantic restaurant with nice view, or maybe in natural situation in the couple’s house when there are only two of them… Also a lot of Japanese women have an ideal to be proposed when there are only two of them in romantic situation.

However, surprise proposal with a lot of friends is becoming popular among young Malaysian people.

Reserve a space, prepare many surprising things and presents, a lot of friends gather and propose in front of them. My husband showed me some videos and pictures of surprise proposal of his friends, they took place in big scale with many people. I think Malaysian people prefer to share precious times with important friends. It needs corporation from many friends and I can see that Malaysian Chinese people have strong bond of friendship and they can help each other all the time. That’s why this kind of surprise proposal is possible.

I think it is beautiful to be surprised and celebrate with a lot of friends, but it is too much to me. I don’t like to be surprised because I feel so shy, so I told my husband not to surprise me especially in particular style. To have surprised proposal in front of other people is too embarrassing for me that I want to run away. Of course there are Japanese people do surprise in particular ways, and many Japanese women like it. But also there are many shy Japanese women who don’t like to be surprised because they feel it is embarrassing as me. Some friends of mine said, “If I am proposed in front of many people, I am “forced” to say ‘YES’.” and , ” If I am surprised in a way like flash mob, it is too embarrassing and it is like a “punishment” in public.” Of course how to feel is different depends on each person, but I’m also in this side.

I think that many Japanese women think what is the reason to invite a lot of friends to propose, which is precious and important time in life. Most Japanese think proposal should be very romantic = must be done by only two of them.

By the way, I am always impressed that Malaysian Chinese people have strong bond between family and relatives, and also friendship is very strong. They have a lot of friends and their friendship is strong and last long. It is wonderful to have many friends who corporate kindly whenever you need.

For previous blog “To Carry Own Bottle of Water”, click here.



旦那さんの従兄弟のプロポーズです。 This is the surprise proposal of my husband’s cousin.


隠れていた大勢の友達が登場!  Many friends hid and appeared suddenly!




もちろん答えはイエス!  Of course she said “YES”!


旦那さんがムービー製作をしたので、私たちもムービーでちょこっと参加しました。  My husband made the movie for them so we joined a little in the movie.


末長くお幸せに!  Stay happy forever!